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Your Kingdom Come

I love Christopher Nolan's films. Over the past fifteen years, some of his movies, like The Dark Knight, Inception, and The Prestige, have become my favorites.

Nolan is a gifted filmmaker known for his unique storytelling technique called in media res, or 'in the middle of the action.' He often begins his stories with bullets flying, people in danger, or a looming crisis, forcing the viewer to ask, 'How did we get here?'
When we watch the world around us—whether scrolling through our phones, watching the news, or following global events—we often find ourselves asking the same question: 'How did we get here?'"

Last Sunday, we kicked off our new series, Your Kingdom Come: Embracing the Kingdom-Centered Life. This series seeks to answer the question, “How did we get here.” The theme of God's Kingdom is so central to Scripture that we'll be exploring it all the way through Easter 2025.

During this series, we will address these topics, among others:

  • Story: (4 weeks - September) The Bible is one massive story. It’s a story of a world at war, a broken kingdom, and God’s breathtaking plan to make it whole again. Unless we know this story well, we will struggle to understand life. We often miss the forest for the trees. We must recapture what we’ve lost, a grand vision of God’s big-story.

  • Character: (8 weeks - October, November) Our King’s unrelenting focus is on your heart. Jesus wants to live his life through his people. That means reshaping the core of our being: our values, our priorities, our character. We will spend 8 weeks walking through the greatest sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5-7.

  • Practice: (4-5 weeks - January) Healthy people build their lives on healthy habits. Kingdom citizen’s build their lives on habits of grace, regular practices that keep them near the King. We’ll look at the practices of healthy disciples.

  • Mission: (8+ weeks - February, March, April) God’s kingdom has invade the kingdom of darkness! The kingdom of Christ is actively setting captives free from sin and death. How can we be part of this mission? We will spend 8+ weeks walking through the major sections of the book of Acts to learn more about God’s unstoppable kingdom mission.

This series will serve as the backbone for our year, but you'll also hear from other trusted voices on a variety of topics and texts along the way. This series is a collective effort, shaped by the wisdom of many—authors both past and present, our staff and elders, family and friends. It is truly the product of many hearts and much prayer.
Christ Church, you are deeply loved, valued, and cherished. Our God has lavished us with a love and grace beyond our understanding, and His kindness far exceeds what we deserve. He is truly good—so very good. Let’s come together and renew the story of His Kingdom’s kindness in our hearts.

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