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Staying Connected While We Are Apart

Staying Connected While We Are Apart

Dear Christ Church,

As fall approaches and school resumes, life is about to get busy once again. With Life Groups starting, Christ Church University classes beginning, the Fall Ministry Season kicking off, kids back in school, and football season returning, there’s a lot to look forward to!

Please know that our staff (including Jem, who is fitting in wonderfully and truly a blessing to our church body) is working diligently behind the scenes. We’re organizing, streamlining, and coordinating these ministries to ensure they are as effective as possible, all by God’s enabling grace.

I’m thrilled to announce our new Sermon Series, beginning on Sunday, September 8th. This series will be divided into four parts, taking us all the way through Easter 2025. I can’t wait to share more details with you on September 8th.

In the meantime, here are a couple of resources I thought you might find useful and a preview of one of our upcoming classes, links below. I’m looking forward to an amazing season together!

In Christ,
Pastor Matt

Through the Word:

If you've ever read a chapter of the bible during your quiet time with God and felt unsure about its meaning, you NEED this app! It provides audio readings and insightful summaries by gifted Bible teachers to help you understand what you’ve read. It's an excellent companion for your time in the Word with Jesus.

Explicit Gospel:

If you've ever wanted a deeper understanding of the gospel—both the big picture and the personal impact—this book is a MUST READ. Matt Chandler is a gifted communicator who presents the good news in a way that’s easy to grasp, deepening your love and appreciation for all God has done in Christ.

How We Got the Bible:

Our class begins on September 8th at 8:30 am in the Retreat Room. Over six weeks, we’ll explore how God delivered His written Word to us and how we can be confident that what we hold in our hands IS the Word of God. Watch the two minute preview above and register for the class below.

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