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About our worship

Worship is not just about singing some songs for 30 minutes on Sundays.  Worship is the full expression of the worthiness of God above all else, and when we gather on Sunday mornings as the Bride of Christ, we are joining together to declare His supremacy.  Our worship ministry exists to lift up the name of Jesus above every other name, that His excellence would be on full display in our midst.
We are a contemporary church, but we do not neglect our church history as we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. We let the gospel shape our practice and inform all that we do in gathered worship. We have no desire to create a merely emotional experience for people where there is little depth. Nor do we want to engage our intellect at the expense of our heart. We want to have a balance of head and heart in our corporate worship where the mind is engaged and the heart is ablaze.

Join the team

We are always eager to get new musicians involved, so if you can sing or play an instrument, contact Nathan Smith at or by filling out an application below.