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A Word From Pastor Jem

Hi Christ Church family,

Sue and I are thrilled to be part of this loving community, and we are truly grateful for the warm welcome we have received at Christ Church. You have made us feel at home, from the delicious meals to the warm hugs. We are excited to be here at KOP and look forward to getting to know you better in the upcoming months.

A little about the us

Sue and I met in college and were married shortly after I graduated with a computer engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1991. We celebrated our 33rd year together this past May. Another milestone in May was that I retired from being a software manager for Northrop Grumman. Since 2021, I have attended seminary at Midwestern Theological Baptist Seminary for Biblical Counseling and will graduate in Dec 2024. Sue has had a variety of hats, from being a homemaker to being a caregiver to her aging parents to working as a church accountant for over 20 years. In 2021, Sue started working on her master's degree in accounting and will graduate in May 2025. We have three adult children. Our oldest daughter, Kaylynn, is 25 years old, married, and lives in Baltimore, MD. Our middle daughter, Brehannah, is 22 years old and recently graduated from college in May with a degree in computer graphics design. Our son, Joziah, is 20 years old and working.

Sue is from Michigan with a farming background, then moved to Colorado at a young age. As a teen, Sue rode and trained Arabian horses. She enjoys visiting her sister on their cattle ranch in northeastern Colorado. I lived in Pittsburgh for a short time at a young age. My parents moved to Columbus, OH, and then settled in Colorado by 1978. I grew up in the suburbs and enjoy being near the city. So, we are thankful our new home is near farms and the metro area. I am Chinese and excited to live near a Chinatown in downtown Philly. We both love food and enjoy a wide range of different types of food. We share interests in our two Maltese dogs, antiques, and traveling. We look forward to visiting nearby museums and historical sites.

Both of us are passionate about walking with Christ. We accepted Christ before marriage and have served in our local church in various capacities, such as youth leader, prayer team, teaching children, finance team member, and adult Sunday school teacher. The past several years has brought many challenges to us, and we have seen firsthand how God’s Word brings great comfort and encouragement during our deepest sorrows. We have many stories to share of God’s goodness to us and His children, displaying his faithfulness, love, and grace.

I hope to meet with you one day, preferably over a nice warm meal.

What is my vision for Biblical Counseling?

I want to share my heart about Biblical counseling since this is my passion and my specialization from seminary. First, as Matt mentioned on Sunday, Biblical counseling is a ministry that involves short-term, intense discipleship of God’s people. Counseling is speaking God’s truth in love and applying Scripture to comfort those suffering or call sinners to repentance. The key is changing the heart or reorienting disordered desires.

My vision is to apply the saving gospel of Christ to the community by offering Biblical counseling. In the community, people may think they have everything and no need for Christ. But deep down, they struggle with common problems such as anxiety, fear, depression, marriage issues, and relationships with their children. People desire love, joy, and peace, which only God provides through the redeeming relationship with Christ. God loves everyone, and through the gospel, people can have comfort and peace beyond anything the world offers.

I’m praying God will raise a group of people here at church who have a heart of compassion for the hurting to join me in bringing Biblical counseling to the church and the community. People interested in discovering for themselves and helping others learn the gospel's power of encouragement and life-altering change.

I’m excited to see where God is leading us as a church in the months ahead! Where the gospel will impact our church, family, and communities.

You are greatly loved!

Pastor Jem

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